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15 Jan
The case for micro sized apartments
“Micro sized apartments” is a really great marketing term for smaller sized dwellings. But these smaller sized dwellings that are being constructed are extremely well thought out. It’ll mean a future of fewer possessions, which in the end will mean better quality design and less waste, which is a positive. With more built in functional items of furniture already in the apartments, if you move house to a new micro apartment in the future, all you will need is your clothes, kitchenware, books (I mean e-reader – this is the future) etc.
Think flip-down beds built into walls, that type of thing. The largest item that you may need to move is a 2 seater sofa (if you have room), but then that might come with the unit. Or already be built in. “Modular” and “multi-purpose” are key words when thinking about micro apartments. It’s a whole mindset change from the more is better way of thinking and consumerism that has in fact just about consumed society – more space (bigger houses), more possessions - TO Less is more! – fewer possessions, less space, smaller dwellings etc. It’s just this less needs to be extremely clever in design.
The micro apartments are still a fair way off our Australian construction landscape due to the vastness of the habitable area of Australia, but I keep seeing information about them in international future trend reports and cannot help but think that this will be the future of our capital cities. How does this relate to Beadles? Clever design and quality items. These two traits are synonymous with our business. We’d love to be involved in a micro sized apartment building when the time comes, but until then, if you need clever design and quality items for your home, micro or macro sized, contact us for an appointment.