At Beadles, we believe that good design nurtures the soul. Good design creates a living space that nourishes, energises and inspires us throughout our day.
Good design adds value, saves time and money and makes lifestyle dreams come true.
We believe that quality underpins good design – quality in fabrics, craftsmanship and finish.
Quality ensures that our designs and the items that we fill our homes with are timeless and long lasting. Design quality transcends time.
We also believe that each step in the design process is taken with integrity and respect for our clients’ goals.
And when it comes to finish – in fabrics, manufacture, installation and detailing – near enough is not good enough. Our workrooms produce quality products that have been tried and tested. Our attention to detail and professional follow through ensure that every project is completed to the highest standard.
Our long and established relationships with manufacturers, fabric houses, craft and trades people, paint specialists and importers enable us to provide our clients with the best that the design world has to offer.
At Beadles, we are committed to sourcing environmentally responsible and sustainable products and services wherever possible.