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10 Dec
Holistic design living
Image: Courtesy of Ashley Wilde
With the holidays approaching and all of us spending more time at home, we thought it would be a good time to encourage everyone to think of their living environment holistically and consider where you can improve your environment.
All areas of your home and also your garden should be places you want to spend time, and this requires some effort to make your spaces as special as they can be.
Often it’s the little things that can make a big impact around your home and garden. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to achieve better enjoyment from your home. Here’s a few simple ideas:
- De-clutter and organise
Try to be better organised about things. It’s important to have a liveable home so you can’t take organisation to the extreme without some loss to your liveability, but spending some time thinking about how you can better organise your kitchen cupboards, your wardrobes and the bathroom cabinet can make you feel a lot more clear and relaxed in your home.
- Surround yourself with things you enjoy doing
Many of us when we buy a home use the rooms in the same way they were presented, but take some time to consider how you can best use your spaces to reflect your favourite pastimes and interests. That could mean turning the spare bedroom into a media room, study or library. Create for yourself the best possible environment you can afford.
- Rethink your lighting
Harsh light can really have negative impacts on how you feel. Choose appropriate lighting and if you can, opt for warm light rather than cool tones, ideally an incandescent light. White light can be very harsh and should be reserved for perhaps a reading lamp or in work spaces.
- Outdoors are very important
Particularly with our lifestyle in Queensland, you should put as much consideration into your outdoor space as your interiors as we spend so much time outside.
Your environment should be considered as a whole, so look around the back yard or property and give some thought to how you could improve the space.
Making small and gradual changes can result in you having the home and lifestyle of your dreams. Talk to us for any advice on how we can help you achieve a beautiful life.